“I, therefore,… beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called.” (Ephesians 4:1)

Christ calls us to be witnesses to the Gospel. Each of us plays an important role in the life and future of the Church. We serve Christ and each other best through lives lived well… be that through marriage, a single life or as a consecrated religious, deacon or priest. Our spiritual development is ongoing; grounded in the sacraments and nurtured through prayer. “For we, though many, are one body in Christ. … Having gifts that differ according to the grace given us, let us use them.” (Romans 12: 5-6)
Men who feel a call to the priesthood are encouraged to contact the Diocese Office of Vocations contact Fr. Scott M. Sunnenberg at (417) 866-0841 ext. 1138 or frscott@dioscg.org or Fr. Patrick Ike at (417) 883-3440 or fatherpatrick@htscatholic.com .
The diocesan website provides information about discernment groups and other events at https://dioscg.org/vocations-seminarians/.
Consecrated Life
Throughout history there have been men and women who, like St. Paul, used their gifts to serve God and their communities. Through various ways they have brought the Good News of Christ’s redemption to generations.
At Holy Trinity, we have been blessed to have the Franciscan Sisters of Saint Elizabeth F.S.S.E. They minister to our Faith Formation children. Sr. Rosita Chirayath directs our Sick and Homebound Program. If you feel Christ might be calling you please contact Sr. Rosita via email at sisterrosita@htscatholic.com or at (417) 883-3440.